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Unleash Harmony & Connection
Discover a holistic alternative to dog training.

Are you ready to get a deeper understanding of your dog's sensitivities and challenges, and to support them in reaching their full potential? 

Welcome to our unique approach dedicated to dog-parents and guardians

who share their lives with sensitive, easily overwhelmed and challenging dogs.

Discover a new way of nurturing your relationship with your dog—one that goes beyond traditional training techniques. Our "Aligned Dog Partnership" model places emphasis on aligning the mind, body, and soul of both you and your canine companion. By fostering emotional well-being and understanding, we help you create a deep, empathetic bond that leads to balanced behavior.

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What is Aligned Partnership?

What you will gain

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The Ultimate Dog Mom's Wellbeing Planner &

Guided Journal

This is your all-in-one companion for managing your pup's well-being and embracing your role as a devoted dog mom. Designed with love and care, this comprehensive paperback planner is the perfect tool to organize and document everything related to your dog’s health, behaviour, and overall care.

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Watch the 'Coffee & Chat' Sessions with Sue

The Effects of Heat Waves & Climate Change

The Effects of Heat Waves & Climate Change

Extreme temperatures and weather conditions are becoming more prevalent as climate change marches on at a steady pace. These bring about many changes, including the obvious disruptions to our daily activities and added physical discomfort. However, there are changes on an internal level that we should also be aware of which include physiological stress due to pressure and temperature regulation and lack of sleep. These in turn can lead to changes in our behaviour including irritability, intolerance and impatience. Or on a more profound level, studies have shown that anxiety and depression increase during times of extreme weather. Our mental health is also affected as we begin to consider all the many factors that influence how we deal with extreme temperatures., ie heating & cooling costs, inability to perform certain tasks during these times (it may affect our work or business), food & water shortages, etc. So what can we do about it? * Be aware of our emotional mood state during these times, as well as our thoughts and behaviours. * Remember our dogs are just as sensitive (if not more) to these environmental changes and are affected in similar ways. * Dip into your holistic toolkit to support balance for body, mind and soul. * Support your body (and your dog's body), through getting more rest, staying hydrated and eating 'cooling foods' that don't require the body to work hard to digest. There are many changes in the world happening right now, alongside climate change. Our ability to be aware, tolerant, flexible and resilient is going to help us (and our dogs) to thrive. Join us over in the Paws Reflect & Connect Membership group as we explore the human-canine relationship, our lives with our sensitive canine friends and the self-discovery and transformation with our dogs, through our dogs and for ourselves and our dogs.
The Comparison Trap: Navigating the Consequences of Measuring Up

The Comparison Trap: Navigating the Consequences of Measuring Up

We can often get trapped in comparing ourselves to others and indeed our dogs with other dogs too. We know this is not a healthy thing to do and it can often leave us feeling 'less than' and 'not good enough'. However, there are ways to turn this around and that's what my aim of this video is - to help use our thoughts and energy in a more constructive and positive way. In this video: 1. The Comparison Trap: Understanding the consequences of comparing ourselves and our dogs to others. 2. How comparison leads to misery, jealousy, and feelings of inadequacy, hindering our happiness and progress. 3. Exploring the misconceptions of comparison, such as misaligned values and the incomplete picture we see. 4. Practical strategies to break free from comparison and celebrate our own achievements and wins. 5. The power of gratitude and how it shifts our focus to the positives in our lives. 6. Cultivating genuine happiness for others' successes and building a supportive mindset. 7. Embracing the journey and finding fulfillment in the present moment rather than fixating on future goals. 8. The impact of social media and the importance of redirecting energy to constructive activities. 9. Harnessing the power of intention to experience more of what we truly desire. 10. Letting go of regrets, releasing "should's," and embracing self-empowerment. If you enjoyed this chat and would be interested in joining our Paws, Reflect & Connect Community Network for caring, curious and open-minded dog-parents, then pop on over and see what we are all about here:
What does the Law of Attraction have to do with Walking our Dogs?

What does the Law of Attraction have to do with Walking our Dogs?

Do you feel anxious or fearful about taking your dog for walks? Are you worried about who / what you might encounter and how your dog will respond? When we have sensitive, easily aroused and over-reactive dogs it can feel like the world is against us. We tend to perceive the world as a dangerous and unfriendly place, just like our dogs do. But, what if we could shift our beliefs and perspectives - would our real life experiences change? The Law of Attraction, a philosophy centered around the power of thoughts, may seem unrelated to something as simple as walking our dogs. However, this universal principle can play a significant role in shaping our experiences, even during daily activities like dog walking. By consciously practicing this shift in focus, we reprogram our RAS to filter in more positive information and experiences. Over time, our perception of dog walks transforms, as we start noticing the beauty of nature, the friendly interactions with fellow dog-parents and guardians, and the joy that our walks can bring us. Incorporating the Law of Attraction into dog walking is a small yet powerful way to enhance our daily lives. By changing our internal beliefs and consciously directing our focus towards positivity, we can create a ripple effect of attracting more positive experiences not only during walks but in various other aspects of our lives. So, let's embrace the power of the Law of Attraction and watch as our dog walks become moments of joy, connection, and fulfillment. Join us for more discussions and thought provoking conversations as we take a deep dive into exploring the human-canine bond and our lives with our canine companions. Visit the Website:
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